The Office of International Affairs
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The Office of International Affairs
and Cooperation (OIAC)

Universitas Islam Riau

Visit to Kyungwoon University, UIR Leadership Prepares International Programs for Students

After completing collaborations with Inha University, Tongmyong University, and visiting the Busan Indonesia Center (BCI), the entire leadership of Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) also visited Kyungwoon University.

From the meeting, several implementation programs were agreed upon, including the Summer School from June to July, Dual Degree programs, and Double Degree programs between UIR and Kyungwoon University.

Head of the Office of International Affairs and Cooperation (KUIK) UIR, Dr. Rendi Prayuda, M.Si, conveyed after the signing of the MoU, followed by a collaboration meeting discussing the credit transfer system for students.

“Kyungwoon University has several fields of study, namely Aeronautical Engineering, Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business, School of Teacher Education and Sports, Psychology, and Digital Content Media,” explained the Head of KUIK UIR.

Students from UIR who can participate in this program are those proficient in English, as evidenced by TOEFL and IELTS certificates. The leaders present included the Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Syafrinaldi, S.H., M.C.L., Vice Rector I, Dr. H. Syafhendry, M.Si., Vice Rector II, Dr. Firdarus AR, S.E., M.Si., Ak. Ca., Head of the BAAK Bureau, Dr. Kurnia Hastuti, S.T., M.T., and Head of the Simfokom Bureau, Ause Labella Pansa, S.T., M.Cs., M.Kom. (hms/smh)

